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Monday, 12 December 2011


By: Jamil Arifin

Biography of Confucius
This paper analyzes the epistemological problem of the two figures on the western and eastern philosophies, Confucius and Rene Descartes (1596-1650). Comfucius is a great thinker who has much to contribute thoughts on the progress of science since ancient eastern world berzaman until now. While Rene Descartes was a big thinker who was also severely affected in the world of western education. Thought they were again a source of reference for dealing cabaran contemporary era. Various big idea has never been stopped from growing.
Problems that were examined concerning the problems of philosophy of education, and matlamat and methodology of education, and changes brought on by Confucius and Rene Descartes is memorable as an alternative to completing the educational system which emphasizes Modern edict technology, and communications.
The student now faces a spiritual crisis, and moral values ​​that are less pleasing many in the community. Depth or spiritual strength must be prioritized to achieve brilliance stage those students who seek knowledge. Melaluia Sejarahlah we should adopt the spiritual values ​​that can give impact to students.


Every event that happens in our lives sometimes just passing through and flowing away, without any attempt to make a move reflective so that it becomes meaningless events.Supposedly, people can attempt to provide or apply a meaning to history, only then can human actions are arranged hook-mengkait and can be directed to the next day (Misnal Munir, 1997; 126).
As for Sartono Kartodirdjo (1900: 204-205) has a history of functionality, meaning that history has meaning not only a documentary, but also implies apresiasif, which embody the collective consciousness. Experience as a deposition process results in the form of a cultural subjectivity of internalization of the subject, while the externalization of objectivity is the result. Objectivity will constantly produce a collective experience.

Kees Bertens in his book "Panorama of Modern Western Philosophy (1987: 193-198)" states there are at least four aspects contained in history. First, human history can only take place in the harmonious development between the elements of spirituality and materiality. Second, history can continue if humans are free to realize themselves. Third, history is always related to time or temporality is always continuous. Fourth, history can only happen if people work together with other human beings.

In this paper the authors want to try to explore the theme of the history of educational philosophy of Confucius and Rene Descartes as a comparison in applying the concept of education. Speaking of Confucius, he was among those who wanted their minds have greater influence in social life. Within the framework of historical understanding he was studying history and interpret it to discover the laws of its development. In fact he still preserve what is considered good in the past culture, but also create a new culture in accordance with the development of the situation and condition. Confucius thought more people to discuss as well as individual social beings. Life of Confucius himself is certainly a good example for his teachings. He has a great obsession to change the world (Fung Yu Lan, 1990: 57). Likewise with Rene Descartes, he is a philosopher, scientist, the famous French mathematician in the days of his youth. As a man who likes to be alone, Descartes many secret items peribadinya life. In fact he also has tried to conceal the birth tarkh so that astronomers can not make any speculation about him (Azmi Aziz, 2002).

A. 1. Know Confucius

Philosophy Komfusianisme diasaskan by Confucius or Confucianism. The real name was Kong Qiu but more recognizable as Kong Fuzi, or Master Kong or Kongzi. He was born in the area of ​​Lu (now better known as the Shantung) in the year 551 BC, and died in the year 479 BC (Cheu Hock-Tong, 2000). Confucius comes rather than the nobility. His father, Tse Shu Le had served as a soldier and died before Confucius was born. After the death of his father, the life of Confucius with his mother increasingly difficult in the various trials which took him ripen (Hsu, Leonardo Shahlien, 1975)
Confucius received a good education since childhood. He also had a low ranking official in the court of the country as police Lu. Not long after he stopped and menempukan full-time as a great teacher as well as worldly philosophy underpinning pentadbir (Azmi Aziz, 2002). However, when aged about 30 years, he has become a famous scholar and first opened her own school to promote his teachings. Since approximately 500 years before Christ, Confucius had a visit to some of the many countries to promote his political theory.However, his theory was not getting the attention of the kings in most countries at that time.So, in 484 BC, he returned to the land of Lu and devote his efforts to the things of culture and education and to formulate the classical books that have been produced earlier.Confucius died in 479 BC (Budisutrisna, 1998)
With expertise in the fields of philosophy, politics and education that is so famous in his day, the flow based on the teachings of Confucius are ditubuhkannya "virtue" and "tact" has brought tremendous influence on Chinese society in the period of 2000 years selepasnya (Budisutrisna, 1998)
In politics, Confucius pentadbiran against cruel and hope King can not love people. He argues bahawa virtues can guide people's behavior and improve their morale. This is the principle to perpetuate the stability of society in the long run. The king needs to be a moral example of the various terms to its people.
In the field of education, Confucius also give priority to moral education and also incorporates political theory into educational theory. He believes the purpose of education is to guide students into a selfish virtue.
In addition, Confucius also formulate many classic books. After he left the world, students to formulate their treatment, when the record of his words became Confucian classic book, namely "Lun Yu", which brought a record mean-Katan said Confucius.

A. 2 The concept of education of Confucius

Confucius was a thinker who is very prominent in the eastern world and is renowned as an expert philosophy. One of the things that got the attention of Confucius is the field of education. this paper also aims to study in depth the teachings of Confucius about learning, teaching and influence of Confucianism in ancient China's education system. The concept of education which practiced Confucian philosophy is the concept that consists of By instilling positive values, and values ​​of pure, then one can play a role, and act more rationally. From the analysis the author shows that according to Confucian education is very important in the development of human life. Education aims to establish a moral man, intelligent, responsible to the nation and state, as well as to prepare the cadre of leaders of nations and countries. Confucius teaching concepts that are used include the concept of discussion, dialogue, and problem solving. Confucius emphasized the dimensions of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor in education. Confucian influence in the education system in China is the use of the teachings of Confucius are in the education curriculum.This relates to the demands bahawa to become a royal bureaucrat Berjaya then required in classical Confucian exams. However, Confucius recognized that the success of human effort can not be separated from the Ming, the decision of the divine nature. Human effort can not be separated from the role of God. (Budisutrisna, 1998: 27-28). Confucius saw education as a teacher have a role
important role in cultural development. Even in a lunge
education of his life he made his cultural strategy. Culture everywhere
are always in a state of change and affected by cultural influences from outside. According to Confucius the essence of culture is Jen. As for the present, for Confucius reflected in education as a cultural strategy. In the field of education he felt that the main function to give interpretation to the legacy of the past, also gave a new interpretation terhadapanya based on moral conceptions (Fung Yu Lan, 1990, 51). For Confucius to plan and engineer the future role of education is very important anymore. And humans in a continuous course of time should be patient and learn
constantly. Similarly, the views of Confucius in the concept of education.

B. Know Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes was born on 31 Mac 1596 in La Haye, a small pecan in France. This chronicle is obtained through the action while Lewa a painter who recorded announcement at the bottom of a portrait of Descartes (Azmi Aziz, 2002). His mother died he was born as our other features. So he raised his grandmother in the fields adjacent to the La Haye. His father a wealthy and working peguam dibrittany. When he was young Jesuit school, College La Fleche. As a student, Decartes appreciate the doctrine of spirits together other cases had been taught. With it he became the best student in her school. He became the best student in a school the best in the country (Azmi Aziz, 2002). Once the age of twenty he was able jurist degree from the University of Poitiers despite never practicing science at all. Although Descartes get good education, but he was convinced there was no science what could be trusted without mathematics. Therefore, instead he continued his formal education, but wandering around Europe take decisions and see the world with their own eyes. Thanks are basically derived from the family, it is possible he wandered to and fro freely and loosely, no money problems. From 1616 until 1628, Descartes really jumping to and fro, from one country to another. He entered the army three differing-Beza (Holland, Bavaria and Hungary), although it seems he has never fought at all. Also visited Italy, Poland, Denmark and other countries. In these years, he gathered what it thinks is a common method to find the truth. When he was thirty-two years, Descartes decided to use his method in an attempt to build a picture of the real world. He then settled in the Netherlands and lived there for not less than twenty one years. The choice of the Netherlands as the country was considered to provide greater intellectual freedom than other countries, and because he wanted to distance himself from the Parisian social life does not provide enough peace.

Around the year 1629 he meulis a book Rules for the Direction of the Mind which gives the outlines of the method. However, this book is not complete and it seems he did not intend to publish it. Published for the first time in more than fifty years after Descartes no (Michael H. Hart, 1978).

B.1 Rene Descartes' concept of education
Descartes' influence on the intellectual development in Europe through the school of thought propounded by him namely rationalism, mechanical concept of nature and mind body dualism.

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