1. IntroductionPhilosophy is the study of all phenomena of human life and thinking critically and has been described (explain) the fundamental concepts. Philosophy not only be explored by conducting experiments and trials, but with the express precisely the problem, seeking solutions to those problems, giving arguments and the exact reasons for a particular solution.The word philosophy comes from ancient Greek, philos meaning love and sophia meaning wisdom or policy. Philosophy means love of wisdom or profound policy. There are three terms of the introduction of philosophy, namely: ontology Aspect, Aspect Aspect aksiolog and epistemology.Philosophy Ontology: The study of wisdom or truth learned is the real object.Actual object:?? Object material: All the facts true, for example: man, nature, etc.?? Formal Object: Field studies of all knowledge, eg biology, physiology, medicine, and others.Philosophy Axiology: It is to seek the truth about the facts / reality. Usefulness:1. Finding the truth2. Raises confidence3. Finding ideasEpistemologikarena philosophy is: the desire to find truth with berfalsafah: use ratio-logos-reason. Asked why so forth, correct because discussed, analyzed with the ratio to find the truth.
In ancient Greece the tamandunnya began about 2500 years old, experts falsfah as reputable as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle tried to Cuba sentiasa thinking, judging, interpreting life and human experience with the aim of seeking the truth and value hidupyang perfect. For example, Socrates (469-399) had berkataa: "human life is not considered a useless life."
2. Definition of General Education Philosophy
Etymologically, the term philosophy comes from the Arabic, the philosophy or also from the Greek philosophia - philien: love and sophia: wisdom. So you can understand that philosophy means love of wisdom. And a philosopher is a seeker of wisdom, lovers of wisdom in the sense of nature.Understanding the terminology is very different philosophy. The philosophers to formulate the philosophy of understanding in accordance with the trend of thought kefalsafahan owned. A Plato says that: philosophy is the knowledge who are interested in achieving genuine knowledge of the truth. While his student Aristotle argued that philosophy is the science (knowledge) which includes the truth contained in the sciences of metaphysics, logic, rhetoric, ethics, economics, politics, and aesthetics. As with the Al-Farabi who argues that philosophy is the science (knowledge) about the nature of how the nature of actual entities.
So, philosophy is an activity / results of thought / reflection as well as investigating the underlying everything that focuses on the meaning behind the fact / theory is to be spliced in a system of rational knowledge. From the definition above can be formulated pengrtian philosophy of education in general as follows:"Education is a process or an attempt to develop aktiviti fizikal, intellectual, social and individual emotions and adds finesse, skill, knowledge and experience in order to give joy, benefit and advancement in life, helped and encouraged him to act in a rational for avail themselves of the community, nation and State. "(Soon Sang Mok, 2010).Philosophy of education contains its own characteristics. Soalan principle of the philosophy of education is "What is Education?" So, income rather than the philosophy of education is the result of effort rather than an intellectual study of educational goals, objective reality, the principle of principles and values. (Soon Sang Mok, 2010). E. D.Miller, in his book That question metter (1984), menginterfrestasikan philosophy as an attempt to think rationally and critically important matters.Thus, the philosophy of education may diertikan an attempt to think rationally and critically to education.
3. Definition of Philosophy of Islamic EducationIn amnya, philosophy of Islamic education is berasaskan teachings of al-Quran and al-Hadith. The philosophy of Islamic education is part of the science of philosophy, then in studying the philosophy of education need to understand first about the understanding of philosophy, especially its relationship to the issue of Islamic education, especially education. The philosophy of Islamic education by Tajul Arifin in his book "Perspectives Philosophy and Education in Malaysia" concluded bahawa rigorous and systematic thinking by the Muslims who performed in a state of pure soul of man, nature and metafizik fizikal, within the limits justified by the Koran and al-Sunnah with the aim of achieving makrifatullah hath so good in the world and the hereafter. So the philosophy of Islamic education is a business that berterusan in conveying knowledge, skills and foster appreciation of form of Islam based on Quran and as-Sunnah lifetime. He was a man of learning bermatlamat birth, noble personality, and be positive berkemahiran kebaiakn to achieve lasting prosperity in the world and the Hereafter.
Menrut Langgulung Hassan (1979) matters which form the basis of Islamic education is:1. Oneness of God (tawhid).2. Janitor-messenger belief.3. Trust in God's revelations to the prophets.4. Humans have the potential of moral development and kerohnian.5. Each individual is responsible for their own actions.6. Worldly life and hereafter.7. Similarities and universal brotherhood among all Muslims.
4. The general objective of National Education Philosophy (aspect JERIS)
Philosophy may difahamkan as a thought or idea which is correct, rational and pithy.Thought or view this dihasilakan than usuha study philosophy in a way that expert scientific, systematic and logical. Digubal national education philosophy than a rational effort and critical thinking, based on ideology rather than the State as has been stated in the Country Report and Basic Education, including the pillars of the State.The main Matlamat national education philosophy is not far Beza with the philosophy of Islamic education namely to produce a knowledgeable Muslim, faith, skilled, pious and noble charity based al-Quran and As-Sunnah towards the servant of God and the pious caliphs. Matlamat is in accordance with the will of a portion of Education, Teachers who want to bear a noble teacher, holds a progressive, scientific, mastering the use of technological tools, are willing to uphold the aspirations of the State and the State's cultural heritage, ensuring development of the individual adviser and so on into the community cohesive, democratic , progressive and disciplined.
5. Specific aspects of conversation (one of your topics)
Socialization is the process that helps individuals and individuals learn to adapt, how to live, and thinks his group so he can play a role and function with a group (Charlotte Bühler, 1992)While the social philosophy is a lifelong process of how an individual study habits that include ways of life, values, and social norms contained in the community to be accepted by society.Firdaus M. Jonah, one of philosophy at the University IAIN pencarah Banda Aceh explain bahawa social philosophy is a branch of philosophy that studies the social problems of society as a critical, radical and comprehensive. Since Plato, and Aristotle's study of social problems have become the object of research itself. Further, he stated the community composition reflects the composition of the cosmos is eternal, man is obliged to adjust to it and obey the order for the sake of safety, otherwise he will destroy himself.
Actually social philosophy has been around since the days of Plato and Aristotle, which is however not discussed specifically. Social philosophy is a branch of philosophy that studies social issues are critical, radical and comprehensive. Since the birth of social philosophy has been deconstructed understanding of society that is not always what is in the heavens has been directly governed by the power of God for ever and ever.Dismantling of public understanding on a large scale occurred precisely as the birth of the French revolution that brought down the feudal social order and initiated a process of democratization by giving birth to a spectacular surprises. Because never before people imagine that a social order that seems unchangeable and forever blessed by God's will, has been overhauled and replaced by the human mind its own business. It is then further amplified by the school of Frakfurt through the dynamic development of the social sciences developed critical then gradually spread to all parts of the world. To map the sociological community of a country, then the grounding of social theory and philosophy into its own needs in analyzing a society koprehensif, the efforts of the social sciences pribumisasi critically undue swallow western social theory, but the important thing is how to create a theory new social conditions that correspond to rill a society.
6. Comparative aspects (your topic) than the western and Islamic perspectives.
Basically, social comparison in the view of Islam and the West are the same, even highly prioritizes western social norms, but they are not against the religious norms. Mereeka think everything is a da IslamHumans are social creatures, it is highly unlikely if the man lived alone and did not need another person. Indeed we can not rely on others but we can not possibly live without other people. In fact, sometimes there are questions (about) to someone who does not like socializing, Do you want to go to heaven itself?
WestHumans are always associated with the social relations that gave birth to history. Humans are social creatures, who move, involved in a production process. Human nature is working (laborans homo, homo Faber). So, there is close connection between philosophy, history and society.
- Aspects of the equation (along with examples / evidence)Bahawa there are important similarities between Western and Islamic philosophy which can not be denied. This is for example in terms of sources and methods of knowledge, which includes the rational-empirical way of knowing; combination of realism, idealism, and pragmatism as the basis for the philosophy of cognitive science, and science and about the process. But this equation is only related to the external aspects and not altogether deny the distinction, fundamental distinction arising from the distinction perspective and understanding of reality. Muslim faith of Revelation as a source of knowledge about ultimate reality and truth about the creature and the Creator to enable the establishment of a framework metafizik pengelaborasian philosophy of science is to explain the reality and truth that does not allow the involvement of the methods of philosophical rationalism and philosophical empiricism of modern philosophy and science.
- Aspects of the distinction (along with examples / evidence)
Falsafaha Islam is also called the Arab philosophy because the characters are good Muslims who were born in Arab or Arab, but that comes from living in the West.This philosophy emerged during the 15th century, or about the reign of Harun Rashid (786 M), because in those days a lot of science books in the Greek translated into Arabic, such as natural sciences, Falaq and science of medicine.So at that activity affects the philosophy of monotheism problem, because the clergy mnggunakan rational methods in solving problems monotheism.
Western philosophy is a term used to thinking philosophy in the Western world. Western philosophy is different from Eastern or Oriental philosophy. The beginning of Western philosophy is the title of a desire to lead to a thought or philosophy of Western civilization.Period initially started with Greek philosophy in Ancient Greece. At this time most of the Earth was covered include North America and Australia
7. Your critical analysis of this comparison as well as certain reserves.
socio-cultural practices to analyze three things: economics, politics (with particular regard to issues of power and ideology) and culture (with particular regard to the philosophy, values and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. Discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels namely: Level situational, related to production and level of institutional context of the situation, with regard to the influence of institutions internally and externally. Social level, associated with a more macro level, such as political systems, economic systems, and cultural system of society as a whole. We shall see how the placement and function of language in social relations, especially in the power of philosophy and ideology. We argue that critical discourse analysis is, how language causes that fight social groups and ask each ideology
8. FormulationFrom the above description can be drawn a conclusion that philosophy (either Islam or the West) is to think systematically, radical and thorough about the nature of things based on the teachings of each. However bezanya Islamic philosophy is a philosophy that refers to the Qur'an, seek answers about human rights issues based on God's revelation to His Messenger diuturunkan. Philosophy is the mother of all sciences, as the mother of all science, the philosophy affect other sciences, such as the science of fiqh, the science of kalam, tafsir and so on. Necessary to understand the mind and the use of reason. Thus a very large influence on the philosophy of science.
9. References
Aroft Abdul Rahman (1994), Philosophy and Concept of Education, Fajar Bakti Sdn.Bhd.., Selangor. Son Sang Mok (1942), Memorandum Digest of Education: Philosophy of Education, Curriculum & Professionalism Teacher Training, Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.. Bandar Center Pucong, Malaysia. Che 'Nor Mohamed Noh Ph.D. (1990), Principles of Education One Introduction, Flo Enterprise Sdn. Bhd.., Damansara Utama. Soon Sang Mok (2010), Philosophy of Education, Curriculum, and Professional Teaching, Multi Media Sdn. Bhd.. Alwiyah Alsagoff (1984), Philosophy of Education, Word Art Printing Sdn. Bhd.. Kuala Lumpur. Tajul Arifin Noordin, (1993), perspectives of Philosophy and Education in Malaysia, Language and Library Board of the Ministry of Education Malaysia. Intensational Dictionary of Educational, Gerry Page & JB Thomas Kogam Page Limited, London. Charles J. Braunes & Hobert W. Burns. Problems in Education and Philosophy. New York: Prentice-Hall Inc.., 1965. P.H. Hirst & R.S. Peters. The Logic of Education. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972.
1. IntroductionPhilosophy is the study of all phenomena of human life and thinking critically and has been described (explain) the fundamental concepts. Philosophy not only be explored by conducting experiments and trials, but with the express precisely the problem, seeking solutions to those problems, giving arguments and the exact reasons for a particular solution.The word philosophy comes from ancient Greek, philos meaning love and sophia meaning wisdom or policy. Philosophy means love of wisdom or profound policy. There are three terms of the introduction of philosophy, namely: ontology Aspect, Aspect Aspect aksiolog and epistemology.Philosophy Ontology: The study of wisdom or truth learned is the real object.Actual object:?? Object material: All the facts true, for example: man, nature, etc.?? Formal Object: Field studies of all knowledge, eg biology, physiology, medicine, and others.Philosophy Axiology: It is to seek the truth about the facts / reality. Usefulness:1. Finding the truth2. Raises confidence3. Finding ideasEpistemologikarena philosophy is: the desire to find truth with berfalsafah: use ratio-logos-reason. Asked why so forth, correct because discussed, analyzed with the ratio to find the truth.
In ancient Greece the tamandunnya began about 2500 years old, experts falsfah as reputable as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle tried to Cuba sentiasa thinking, judging, interpreting life and human experience with the aim of seeking the truth and value hidupyang perfect. For example, Socrates (469-399) had berkataa: "human life is not considered a useless life."
2. Definition of General Education Philosophy
Etymologically, the term philosophy comes from the Arabic, the philosophy or also from the Greek philosophia - philien: love and sophia: wisdom. So you can understand that philosophy means love of wisdom. And a philosopher is a seeker of wisdom, lovers of wisdom in the sense of nature.Understanding the terminology is very different philosophy. The philosophers to formulate the philosophy of understanding in accordance with the trend of thought kefalsafahan owned. A Plato says that: philosophy is the knowledge who are interested in achieving genuine knowledge of the truth. While his student Aristotle argued that philosophy is the science (knowledge) which includes the truth contained in the sciences of metaphysics, logic, rhetoric, ethics, economics, politics, and aesthetics. As with the Al-Farabi who argues that philosophy is the science (knowledge) about the nature of how the nature of actual entities.
So, philosophy is an activity / results of thought / reflection as well as investigating the underlying everything that focuses on the meaning behind the fact / theory is to be spliced in a system of rational knowledge. From the definition above can be formulated pengrtian philosophy of education in general as follows:"Education is a process or an attempt to develop aktiviti fizikal, intellectual, social and individual emotions and adds finesse, skill, knowledge and experience in order to give joy, benefit and advancement in life, helped and encouraged him to act in a rational for avail themselves of the community, nation and State. "(Soon Sang Mok, 2010).Philosophy of education contains its own characteristics. Soalan principle of the philosophy of education is "What is Education?" So, income rather than the philosophy of education is the result of effort rather than an intellectual study of educational goals, objective reality, the principle of principles and values. (Soon Sang Mok, 2010). E. D.Miller, in his book That question metter (1984), menginterfrestasikan philosophy as an attempt to think rationally and critically important matters.Thus, the philosophy of education may diertikan an attempt to think rationally and critically to education.
3. Definition of Philosophy of Islamic EducationIn amnya, philosophy of Islamic education is berasaskan teachings of al-Quran and al-Hadith. The philosophy of Islamic education is part of the science of philosophy, then in studying the philosophy of education need to understand first about the understanding of philosophy, especially its relationship to the issue of Islamic education, especially education. The philosophy of Islamic education by Tajul Arifin in his book "Perspectives Philosophy and Education in Malaysia" concluded bahawa rigorous and systematic thinking by the Muslims who performed in a state of pure soul of man, nature and metafizik fizikal, within the limits justified by the Koran and al-Sunnah with the aim of achieving makrifatullah hath so good in the world and the hereafter. So the philosophy of Islamic education is a business that berterusan in conveying knowledge, skills and foster appreciation of form of Islam based on Quran and as-Sunnah lifetime. He was a man of learning bermatlamat birth, noble personality, and be positive berkemahiran kebaiakn to achieve lasting prosperity in the world and the Hereafter.
Menrut Langgulung Hassan (1979) matters which form the basis of Islamic education is:1. Oneness of God (tawhid).2. Janitor-messenger belief.3. Trust in God's revelations to the prophets.4. Humans have the potential of moral development and kerohnian.5. Each individual is responsible for their own actions.6. Worldly life and hereafter.7. Similarities and universal brotherhood among all Muslims.
4. The general objective of National Education Philosophy (aspect JERIS)
Philosophy may difahamkan as a thought or idea which is correct, rational and pithy.Thought or view this dihasilakan than usuha study philosophy in a way that expert scientific, systematic and logical. Digubal national education philosophy than a rational effort and critical thinking, based on ideology rather than the State as has been stated in the Country Report and Basic Education, including the pillars of the State.The main Matlamat national education philosophy is not far Beza with the philosophy of Islamic education namely to produce a knowledgeable Muslim, faith, skilled, pious and noble charity based al-Quran and As-Sunnah towards the servant of God and the pious caliphs. Matlamat is in accordance with the will of a portion of Education, Teachers who want to bear a noble teacher, holds a progressive, scientific, mastering the use of technological tools, are willing to uphold the aspirations of the State and the State's cultural heritage, ensuring development of the individual adviser and so on into the community cohesive, democratic , progressive and disciplined.
5. Specific aspects of conversation (one of your topics)
Socialization is the process that helps individuals and individuals learn to adapt, how to live, and thinks his group so he can play a role and function with a group (Charlotte Bühler, 1992)While the social philosophy is a lifelong process of how an individual study habits that include ways of life, values, and social norms contained in the community to be accepted by society.Firdaus M. Jonah, one of philosophy at the University IAIN pencarah Banda Aceh explain bahawa social philosophy is a branch of philosophy that studies the social problems of society as a critical, radical and comprehensive. Since Plato, and Aristotle's study of social problems have become the object of research itself. Further, he stated the community composition reflects the composition of the cosmos is eternal, man is obliged to adjust to it and obey the order for the sake of safety, otherwise he will destroy himself.
Actually social philosophy has been around since the days of Plato and Aristotle, which is however not discussed specifically. Social philosophy is a branch of philosophy that studies social issues are critical, radical and comprehensive. Since the birth of social philosophy has been deconstructed understanding of society that is not always what is in the heavens has been directly governed by the power of God for ever and ever.Dismantling of public understanding on a large scale occurred precisely as the birth of the French revolution that brought down the feudal social order and initiated a process of democratization by giving birth to a spectacular surprises. Because never before people imagine that a social order that seems unchangeable and forever blessed by God's will, has been overhauled and replaced by the human mind its own business. It is then further amplified by the school of Frakfurt through the dynamic development of the social sciences developed critical then gradually spread to all parts of the world. To map the sociological community of a country, then the grounding of social theory and philosophy into its own needs in analyzing a society koprehensif, the efforts of the social sciences pribumisasi critically undue swallow western social theory, but the important thing is how to create a theory new social conditions that correspond to rill a society.
6. Comparative aspects (your topic) than the western and Islamic perspectives.
Basically, social comparison in the view of Islam and the West are the same, even highly prioritizes western social norms, but they are not against the religious norms. Mereeka think everything is a da IslamHumans are social creatures, it is highly unlikely if the man lived alone and did not need another person. Indeed we can not rely on others but we can not possibly live without other people. In fact, sometimes there are questions (about) to someone who does not like socializing, Do you want to go to heaven itself?
WestHumans are always associated with the social relations that gave birth to history. Humans are social creatures, who move, involved in a production process. Human nature is working (laborans homo, homo Faber). So, there is close connection between philosophy, history and society.
- Aspects of the equation (along with examples / evidence)Bahawa there are important similarities between Western and Islamic philosophy which can not be denied. This is for example in terms of sources and methods of knowledge, which includes the rational-empirical way of knowing; combination of realism, idealism, and pragmatism as the basis for the philosophy of cognitive science, and science and about the process. But this equation is only related to the external aspects and not altogether deny the distinction, fundamental distinction arising from the distinction perspective and understanding of reality. Muslim faith of Revelation as a source of knowledge about ultimate reality and truth about the creature and the Creator to enable the establishment of a framework metafizik pengelaborasian philosophy of science is to explain the reality and truth that does not allow the involvement of the methods of philosophical rationalism and philosophical empiricism of modern philosophy and science.
- Aspects of the distinction (along with examples / evidence)
Falsafaha Islam is also called the Arab philosophy because the characters are good Muslims who were born in Arab or Arab, but that comes from living in the West.This philosophy emerged during the 15th century, or about the reign of Harun Rashid (786 M), because in those days a lot of science books in the Greek translated into Arabic, such as natural sciences, Falaq and science of medicine.So at that activity affects the philosophy of monotheism problem, because the clergy mnggunakan rational methods in solving problems monotheism.
Western philosophy is a term used to thinking philosophy in the Western world. Western philosophy is different from Eastern or Oriental philosophy. The beginning of Western philosophy is the title of a desire to lead to a thought or philosophy of Western civilization.Period initially started with Greek philosophy in Ancient Greece. At this time most of the Earth was covered include North America and Australia
7. Your critical analysis of this comparison as well as certain reserves.
socio-cultural practices to analyze three things: economics, politics (with particular regard to issues of power and ideology) and culture (with particular regard to the philosophy, values and identity) that also affect istitusi media, and discourse. Discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels namely: Level situational, related to production and level of institutional context of the situation, with regard to the influence of institutions internally and externally. Social level, associated with a more macro level, such as political systems, economic systems, and cultural system of society as a whole. We shall see how the placement and function of language in social relations, especially in the power of philosophy and ideology. We argue that critical discourse analysis is, how language causes that fight social groups and ask each ideology
8. FormulationFrom the above description can be drawn a conclusion that philosophy (either Islam or the West) is to think systematically, radical and thorough about the nature of things based on the teachings of each. However bezanya Islamic philosophy is a philosophy that refers to the Qur'an, seek answers about human rights issues based on God's revelation to His Messenger diuturunkan. Philosophy is the mother of all sciences, as the mother of all science, the philosophy affect other sciences, such as the science of fiqh, the science of kalam, tafsir and so on. Necessary to understand the mind and the use of reason. Thus a very large influence on the philosophy of science.
9. References
Aroft Abdul Rahman (1994), Philosophy and Concept of Education, Fajar Bakti Sdn.Bhd.., Selangor. Son Sang Mok (1942), Memorandum Digest of Education: Philosophy of Education, Curriculum & Professionalism Teacher Training, Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.. Bandar Center Pucong, Malaysia. Che 'Nor Mohamed Noh Ph.D. (1990), Principles of Education One Introduction, Flo Enterprise Sdn. Bhd.., Damansara Utama. Soon Sang Mok (2010), Philosophy of Education, Curriculum, and Professional Teaching, Multi Media Sdn. Bhd.. Alwiyah Alsagoff (1984), Philosophy of Education, Word Art Printing Sdn. Bhd.. Kuala Lumpur. Tajul Arifin Noordin, (1993), perspectives of Philosophy and Education in Malaysia, Language and Library Board of the Ministry of Education Malaysia. Intensational Dictionary of Educational, Gerry Page & JB Thomas Kogam Page Limited, London. Charles J. Braunes & Hobert W. Burns. Problems in Education and Philosophy. New York: Prentice-Hall Inc.., 1965. P.H. Hirst & R.S. Peters. The Logic of Education. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972.
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